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Getting started guide. How to start!


Miembro del equipo
Ago 7, 2018
Getting Started Guide. How to start.

Welcome! If you want to start in the world of the Scene, this is the first guide you should follow.
This guide is based on 4 basic points that you must follow in order, once you have done them, you can do any other guide regardless of the order you choose.
If you have any doubts regarding the meaning of a word, I recommend that you look it up in the FAQ. (Updated!)

We recommend that you read the entire guide before messing with anything.

Note: The underlined and blue words are links. If you click on it, it will take you to the corresponding page.

1. Considerations to take into account before and after putting CFW on your console.
  • Every time we turn off the console and want to run backups or use CFW, it will be necessary to send a payload from an external device (PC, mobile or dongle).
  • Not accessing the internet, not having online video games and the console should remain in airplane mode. Forget about the eShop.
  • NEVER but strictly NEVER, update games or the firmware of the console from it. If the console tells you to update a game or firmware, DON'T DO IT. There are other ways to do it.
That is, you have to choose between: CFW or use eShop and online games.

If you are determined to use the CFW, continue!

2. What do you need?

In order to use CFW you need the following:
Do you already have these 3 things? Perfect! In addition to these things, you will need a Jig to be able to put the console in RCM mode, which will allow us to run unsigned code on our switch.
You can make the jig yourself with a clip or you can buy one if you don't want to spend work.

3. NAND Backup

This step is essential. Making a backup of the NAND is making a copy of the system of our Switch, which will serve as a lifeline in case we have a problem with our console.

To make the backup, go to this guide. We need the TegraRcmGUI program and know how to put the console in RCM mode, here is a quick TegraRcmGUI mini-guide.

4. Load our CFW

If you've made it this far, congratulations! You almost have it.

Before continuing, put your console in airplane mode or delete any WIFI network you have saved and go here: Guide to block all Nintendo servers by DNS and format your SD card to FAT32

  1. First we download the corresponding files:
  2. Place the files from the SD folder that you have downloaded into your memory card (Initially empty, since you have saved the NAND backup elsewhere) and insert it into your console. For Sigpatches do the same, unzip the file and copy all folders to the root of the microSD card. If Windows prompt to replace, click Yes.
  3. Then open the TegraRcmGUI, put your console in RCM mode and connect it to the PC.
  4. Select the payload that came with the file pack (the file with the .bin extension).
  5. Select Inject payload and the CFW will start on your console.
  6. If you enter the album, the homebrew menu will appear, where the CFW applications are located.
Load the payload when you turn off your console:
  • From PC: Quick guide to load payloads from the PC.
  • From a dongle: put the switch in RCM mode and connect the dongle. Clever! Easy huh? Note: you probably have to update the payload that your dongle has, just connect it to the PC and replace the payload it has with the latest version. If you don't have the SX OS dongle, here's a review of one if you want more information: [Analysis] RCM Loader ONE B

5. Installation of backup copies (Games) and update of these.
There are currently two formats you can install:
  • .NSP files: Although there are several applications to install them, the simplest and most visually attractive is Goldleaf: Goldleaf Guide. With this program, we can also update our games in case they ask us for an update, for this, we must download the update and install it in the same way as if it were a game.
  • .XCI files: with Tinfoil: The latest version of Tinfoil homebrew allows to install XCI files.
6. Update our firmware
We cannot officially update the firmware of our console.
Some games will require that we have a minimum firmware version to be able to play them or we will need a higher update for our switch to detect memory cards in exFAT format, or simply install the same version but with exFAT compatibility.
Whatever your case, you should go to this guide: Installation guide or downgrade of a new firmware with Daybreak without burning efuses..

Date for last update: 13/11/2022

Última edición:

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Estado compatibilidad CFWs

Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 19.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

Versión anterior firmware: 18.1.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 22/01/2025

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