English NSP installation from the console and from USB. Goldleaf and Goldtree Guide


Miembro del equipo
Ago 7, 2018
Goldleaf has such a user-friendly graphical interface that you will have no problem using it. If you have used our file packs you will already have the latest version available on your console.

Download Goldleaf 0.5BETA and Download Goldtree 0.4

Install .nsp from the console (Copying our .nsp files previously in the microSD card)

  1. We open Goldleaf.
  2. Select the first option <<Browse SD card>>.
  3. We look for the .nsp file we want to install.
  4. We select if we want to install it on the SD card or on the internal memory of our console (NAND).
  5. A new question will appear to us that simply does not have importance, we select <<Yes>>.
  6. Done! The installation will start. Once finished, press the Home button to exit.

Install .nsp from USB (Via Goldtree, we install the files that we have on the PC without copying them to the microSD)

  1. Open Goldleaf.
  2. Select <<USB installation (via Goldtree)>> and in the new confirmation screen select <<Start>>.
  3. Connect the console to the PC and run Goldtree from our computer.
  4. Automatically, a new window will open for us to select the .nsp.
  5. Once selected, the same questions will appear on the screen of our switch as when we select the .nsp from the microSD.

Potential errors and solutions

The installer stalls and doesn’t advance.
It happens often. If when the installation starts or when it reaches any of the steps you see that the speed stays at 0 (You can see it in the lower left corner), press the Home button and redo the installation. This solution works 99% of the time.

When I open the Goldtree no new window opens, it says that it doesn’t detect the console. Here below is the solution, it's probably a driver issue.

To solve it, we must download the Zadig Driver 2.4, once we have downloaded it:

  1. We connect our console turned on the PC.
  2. We open the Zadig.
  3. Select in the top tab <<Options>> and then <<List All Devices>>.
  4. Scroll down a little further and select Nintendo Switch. (It’s important that the console screen is on):

  5. Next, we look for the <<libusbk>> and click on <<Install Driver>>. (For me it appears Replace because I already have it installed)

More information of Goldtree on GitHub.
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Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 18.0.1

Pack Atmosphère:
NO compatible

Versión anterior firmware: 18.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 10/05/2024

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