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Check if your Switch is vulnerable


Ene 10, 2019
If you want to buy a Nintendo Switch, you have to know that since June 2018 Nintendo has patched the Switch so that it cannot be modified, since although it is true that you can access the RCM mode, you cannot send payloads and therefore you cannot do anything. There are several ways to check if the console is patched or not and you're about to find out how.

Method 1 - Serial number
This method will help you if you didn't bought the console yet and you know the serial number.
This method is not 100% realible, but it will help you to figure out if the console is patched or not.

Serials beginning with XAW1:
Serials between XAW10000000000 - XAW10074000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAW10075000000 - XAW10120000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAW10120000000 are definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAW4:
Serials between XAW40000000000 - XAW40011000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAW40011000000 - XAW40012000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAW40012000000 are definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAW7:
Serials between XAW70000000000 - XAW70017800000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAW70017800000 - XAW70030000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAW70030000000 are definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAJ1:
Serials between XAJ10000000000 - XAJ10020000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAJ10020000000 - XAJ10030000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAJ10030000000 are definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAJ4:
Serials between XAJ40000000000 - XAJ40046000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAJ40046000000 - XAJ40060000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAJ40060000000 are definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAJ7:
Serials between XAJ70000000000 - XAJ70040000000 are safe to buy
Serials between XAJ70040000000 - XAJ70050000000 are possibly patched
Serials above XAJ70050000000 and above definitely patched

Serials beginning with XAW9:
Refurbished Consoles directly from Nintendo, no informations, but
very possible all patched.

Serials beginning with XAK:
No informations available, since those are only sold in Korea (?)

Source: GBATemp

Method 2 - Via payload result
If you have a Switch and you want to know if it is patches you can send a payload and check the result.

When you execute the payload via TegraRcmSmash you can see the result via command line (cmd.exe).

You'll need to check that number:
Ver el archivo adjunto 198
0x7000 means your console is not patched and payload will work without problems.

Ver el archivo adjunto 199
0x0000 means your console is patched, so payload won't work.

Method 3 - Via serial number in a website

There is a webpage where you can copy your serial number and it tells if the console is patched or not.

Link: https://akdm.github.io/ssnc/checker/

Ver el archivo adjunto 432
When we write our serial number we can check de Status:

Ver el archivo adjunto 435 Ver el archivo adjunto 436 Ver el archivo adjunto 437

Safe: Your switch is not patched.
Warning: Your Switch may be patched.
Patched: Your Switch is patched.

Thanks to the user @hiru for sending us this method.

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Estado compatibilidad CFWs

Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 19.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

Versión anterior firmware: 18.1.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 22/01/2025

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