How to install Homebrew Launcher on the Switch


Miembro del equipo
Ago 7, 2018

How to install Homebrew Launcher on the Switch

Do you want to know how to install the Homebrew Launcher on your Switch?

If yes, then you can follow this simple tutorial and in a few minutes your Switch will run homebrew launcher and a homebrew apps!

Minimum requirements
  • CFW SX OS or Atmosphère: You will need to have a installed CFW like SX OS.
  • microSD card of 32 GB or more.
Step 1 - Download the Homebrew Launcher
  • Download Homebrew Launcher: The Homebrew launcher is the most used homebrew launcher for the Switch.
Step 2 - Put the files in the microSD
Put the microSD in the PC and unzip the content of the archive that we have downloaded before in the root of the microSD card, we need to have in the root these files and folders
  • switch (Folder)
  • hbmenu.nro (File).
The folder switch we will need from now to install all homebrew launcher apps.
Step 3 – Start the Homebrew Launcher
We need to check that we have the microSD in thw Switch and then send the payload (if you use the SX OS CFW use their payload or if you use Atmosphère use the Hekate payload).

When we are in the CFW press the Album button and you will see the Homebrew Launcher.

NOTE: Depending of the CFW maybe we need that holding the trigger button R select the Album.
Step 4 – Install Homebrew Apps
The installation of the Homebrew apps is very easy.

We only need to put the .nro files in the "switch" folder of the microSD card.
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Estado compatibilidad CFWs

Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 17.0.1

Pack Atmosphère:

Versión anterior firmware: 17.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 15/12/2023

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