Load .NSP game backups with CFW Atmosphère


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Ago 7, 2018

Load .NSP games backups with CFW Atmosphère

WARNING: If you use the MacOS operating system, do not perform the installation of putting the files on the microSD, since there have been cases in the forum that it does not work well. You need to do the process on a Windows operating system to copy the files to the microSD.

Instalation of the CFW Atmosphère

NOTE: With this tutorial you will be able to load backups (safety copies) of games that have a .NSP extension with the CFW Atmosphère. This custom firmware allows you to load games totally free.

If what you want is to load backups from a .xci file (whether you have dumped your cartridge with WAIN Cart Dumper or downloaded it from the Internet) you must install the CFW SX OS (of payment).

Previous requirements

Step 1
Download the necessary files to install CFW Atmosphère:
  • Pack CFW Atmosphère: Package that you have to unzip to your microSD.
  • Zadig Driver: It is the driver that we will need to send the payloads to the Switch through the RCM. Compatible with Windows 10.
  • TegraRcmSmash: Tool with which we will send the payloads to the Switch.

Step 2
  • 1. We introduce the fully formatted microSD card, if it is not it should be to avoid future problems.
  • 2. Unzip the Pack CFW Atmosphère file that we have previously downloaded and copy all files inside in the "SD" folder to the root of the microSD.
  • 3. With a JIG or with some joycon mod we enter the RCM recovery mode for the Switch.
  • 4. Inside the package that we will download we will see a "hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin" (x.x.x is the version) file, which is the payload that we will send to the Switch to load the CFW.

Step 3
  • Once we make sure that the Switch is in recovery mode (RCM), we have to install the APX driver that our PC will have detected.
  • To do this you must open the Zadig tool and in the Options menu hit List All Devices.
  • Then we select "APX" and then we give Install Driver.
Ver el archivo adjunto 197

NOTE: If you have problems installing the driver, you can download this tool that automatically installs the driver once it detects that the Switch is in RCM. We are now ready to send the payload.

Step 4
As we have mentioned before, inside the CFW Atmosphère that we have uncompressed is the hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin (x.x.x is the version) file, which is the payload that we have to send to the Switch.

We unzip the TegraRcmSmash tool and put the fusee-primary.bin and TegraRcmSmash files in the same folder, so these two files should be in the same folder:
  • hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin (x.x.x is the version)
  • TegraRcmSmash.exe
Next, we enter a Windows console (CMD) and go to the folder where the files are and we execute the command:
  • TegraRcmSmash.exe hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin (x.x.x is the version)
And if everything has gone correctly we will see on the screen of our Switch the startup of the Hekate and then the custom firmware Atmosphère.

Installation of NSP files (for installing and loading game backups)

Once we have the Atmosphère custom firmware installed, we can start installing NSP files (which can be games, updates, etc...)

Step 1
Download the necessary files to install the CFW Atmosphère:
  • 1. Insert the microSD back into your PC.
  • 2. All the NSP files you have should be placed in the /tinfoil/nsp folder.
  • 3. Download and install the Sigpatches from here. Unzip and copy all folders to the root of the microSD card. If Windows prompt to replace click Yes.
  • 3. Run the Hekate payload with TegraRCMSmash or another application to run payloads.
  • 4. Once in the custom firmware, go to Album to boot homebrew.
  • 5. Open the Tinfoil app.
  • 6. Install the NSP files with the Tinfoil application.
  • 7. ¡Enjoy!
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  • Jofequi ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Tienes razón. Sobre todo para los que quieren trato en persona.
  • Jofequi ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Muchas gracias. Me alegro de ayudarte.
  • PedroCanovas96 ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Por aquí un instalador de Murcia con bastante experiencia en microsoldaura :P
  • igusi2008 ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    No se si el foro lo permite pero no seria una mejor idea crear un hilo por comunidades autonomas y ciudades y que los instaladores se...
  • Manusao ha reaccionado al post de igusi2008 en el hilo de ReparaTuSwitch con Like Like.
    Pues no se si encontraras alguien de la zona que la llevara y te pueda dar su opinion, me parece que tiene canal de youtube o por...

Estado compatibilidad CFWs

Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 17.0.1

Pack Atmosphère:

Versión anterior firmware: 17.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 15/12/2023

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