AutoRCM installation guide from SX OS payload


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Ago 7, 2018

AutoRCM installation guide from SX OS payload

This guide will teach you how to install AutoRCM, a software that allows that every time you turn on your Nintendo Switch enters RCM mode automatically.

  • You will not need to use the jig every time you restart the console
  • You can uninstall it whenever you want
  • You can send payloads easily and quickly
  • By not needing a jig every time you start the Switch, the pins of the rail will not wear out (it is possible that from using a jig so much the pins end up wearing out)
  • The Switch does not load in RCM mode. Be careful to always have the console loaded when it is in RCM
  • The Switch may stay on and you do not realize it because the screen is black and it uses up the battery without you realizing it
  • If you turn off or restart the console you will need a PC to send a payload to boot either the OFW (Original Firmware) or a CFW (Custom Firmware)
Once you have read the advantages and disadvantages of installing AutoRCM, we proceed to install AutoRCM.

Previous requirements
  • Nintendo Switch
  • 32GB microSD minimum
  • USB 3.0 cable to connect the console to the PC and send the payload to the console (you will not be able to send the payload if you connect it to a USB 2.0 cable or port)
  • Enter RCM mode

Step 1 - Download the necessary packages:
  • SX OS Payload: It is the payload that we will send to the console and from the menu, we can install AutoRCM.
  • TegraRcmSmash: It is the tool that we will use to send the payload to the console.

Step 2 - Start the console in RCM mode:
To send the payload we need the console to boot in RCM mode, if you still don't know how to do it, we recommend that you see our guide to boot the console in RCM mode.

Step 3 - Send the SX OS payload
Once you have access to RCM mode, you can use our SX OS installation guideand follow steps 3 and 4.

Step 4 - Install AutoRCM
When we have the SX OS installation menu in our console, we click on "Options" as it appears in the image:

Ver el archivo adjunto 43

Then we click "install AutoRCM" as it appears in the image:

Ver el archivo adjunto 42

And we will have the AutoRCM installed.

NOTE: To perform the uninstall we follow the same steps but in the last part we click on the "Uninstall AutoRCM" button.
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  • Jofequi ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Tienes razón. Sobre todo para los que quieren trato en persona.
  • Jofequi ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Muchas gracias. Me alegro de ayudarte.
  • PedroCanovas96 ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    Por aquí un instalador de Murcia con bastante experiencia en microsoldaura :P
  • igusi2008 ha respondido al tema Instalador zona Galicia.
    No se si el foro lo permite pero no seria una mejor idea crear un hilo por comunidades autonomas y ciudades y que los instaladores se...
  • Manusao ha reaccionado al post de igusi2008 en el hilo de ReparaTuSwitch con Like Like.
    Pues no se si encontraras alguien de la zona que la llevara y te pueda dar su opinion, me parece que tiene canal de youtube o por...

Estado compatibilidad CFWs

Estado de compatibilidad de los CFWs:

Versión actual firmware: 17.0.1

Pack Atmosphère:

Versión anterior firmware: 17.0.0

Pack Atmosphère:

SX OS ha quedado OBSOLETO

Última actualización: 15/12/2023

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